White Ironstone China Association
To keep in touch with its members and prospective members, WICA publishes the White Ironstone China Association E-News on a periodic basis. This publication is sent via e-mail to WICA members as well as non-members who have an interest in white ironstone. Recipients of the E-News are encouraged to:
- Submit questions about identification and age of white ironstone items in your collection. WICA does not provide value/appraisal information.
- Provide additional information regarding prior E-News topics.
- Provide photos of an item and its mark(s) on a body style/pattern you have not been able to identify.
- Provide photos of an importer's mark and the item on which it was found.
- Tell a story and show a photo of an item in your collection and how you acquired it.
- Contribute suggestions for future issues of White Ironstone Notes, which is issued in printed form three times per year.
- If you are a WICA member, take advantage of our
Member Classified Ads - For Sale and Wanted Section
and place your advertisement for an upcoming issue of E-News. White Ironstone Notes will not publish advertisements of any type.
White Ironstone China Association E-News Index
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If you are not a WICA member and would like to receive the E-News, click on the following button and provide the required information.
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